Netizens laud Chesca Kramer’s photo with her daughters Kendra and Scarlett

Fans and followers of Chesca Kramer can’t help but gush over the photo of her with her two beautiful daughters, Kendra and Scarlett.

In her Instagram account, Chesca posted a photo of her with her daughters Kendra and Scarlett. Chesca also expressed her thoughts and opinions on being a mother. Chesca wrote:


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“”Motherhood is a million little moments that God weaves together with grace, redemption, laughter, tears and most of all love.”
A mother’s influence over her children is so powerful. How we use that privilege in raising them accordingly will follow them wherever life takes them. Somtimes it will take some tears to straighten them up; many times it will take wise words to impart good judgment on them; and always and forever all it takes is a mother’s loving touch that comforts like no other. ❤️”

The said photo that Chesca has posted captured the hearts of netizens. They expressed their admiration as they commented:

– “So beautiful!! 😍😍😍😍”

– “❤️❤️❤️ sending love from a far 😘 you all look so beautiful”

– “You’re all very beautiful. 🤗”

– “Cheks!! You guys look gorgeous ♥️😘”

– “Beautiful Mother and daughter🙂”

(Photo source: Instagram – @chekakramer)


Source: Showbiz Chika