Sharon Cuneta gets her dream Sakura Hermes bag

Singer actress Sharon Cuneta finally fulfilled her dream of owning one Sakura Hermes bag. In a previous Youtube video post, Sharon showed her bag collections and she did mention that one of her dreams is to have her very own Sakura Hermes bag.

On the said video, Sharon even said that she is even willing to trade her bubble pink Hermes bag for the Sakuha Hermes bag.

On her Instagram account, Sharon shared the good news by posting the following:

“Thanks to every one of you who went out of your way to help me find my Sakura. I finally got one a couple of months ago so you can rest now!💖💖💖 Love you guys! I really appreciate your efforts even if you didn’t have to make them.😘 #gotchasakura (This isn’t my actual bag but a picture of a similar one. Mine’s snugly resting in its box.💖) @sherilynrtan Thanks to Shey for finding it for me!”

(Photo source: Youtube screengrab – @Sharon Cuneta Network)

Source: Showbiz Chika