Regine Tolentino’s daughter baby Rosie gets baptized

Actress and fitness enthusiast Regine Tolentino and partner Dondi Narciso welcomed their daughter to the Christian world as baby Rosie got baptized at Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

In Regine’s Instagram account, she posted several photos taken during the baptism of baby Rosie. Regine penned a sweet message to baby Rosie as she wrote “Welcome to the Christian world our little angel @rosierignee, we love you so much 🤍”.


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In a separate post by Dondi on his Instagram account, he also shared a photo taken during the said special occasion. According to him, the baptism was held last January 20, 2021. Dondi wrote in the caption “Last January 20 @rosierignee was finally Christened in a solemn and intimate ceremony at Mt. Carmel Shrine. Welcome to the Christian family my little princess.”.

(Photo source: Instagram – @reginetolentino)


Source: Showbiz Chika