Morissette Amon mourns the passing of her pet dog: “my heart is broken again”

Singer Morissette Amon expressed her sadness over the passing of her pet dog Adam last February 2, 2021. Morissette was emotional as she posted a video saying her goodbye to Adam, a Golden Retriever she had for nearly 15 years.

On her Instagram account, Morissette thanked Adam for the love and memories:

“run free over the rainbow bridge, my Adam ❤️💔 Feb 14 ’06 – Feb 02 ’21

my very first and original baby and love. back in Cebu, he was one of our first #GoldenRetriever, our late Charm, ‘s first litter of puppies, and he stood out so much from his siblings that I fought so hard that he wouldn’t get sold.. so for my 11th birthday, my parents decided to make me choose which I’d want as my gift, between this puppy and my first ever phone… I chose the puppy (and eventually got the phone too later on lol). when my mom and I flew and relocated in Manila in 2010, our 3 retrievers (Adam, Charm, and our late lab Sugar) had to be separated ‘cuz my dad couldn’t take care of all of them on his own. Adam was the most that jumped from one home to another and eventually landed at my grandparents’ house ’til he passed away just yesterday.

my forever first Valentine, I can’t deny that my heart is broken again. I’m so sorry we left.. but at the same time, I’m also glad you’ve kept Mama Coring & Angel company especially in this past year after Papa Anter passed away too. you were such a good boy and loved all of us unconditionally, and never forgot any of us especially when we came to visit. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there one last time, but I’m also so happy I got to see you virtually and that you got to hear me and recognized my voice when Mama put you on video call. I love you so much, my baby! pls say hi to Nicole, Sugar, Charm, for us and sing together again at the top of your voices to that timeless ice cream jingle.. and pls look for Luna too and play with her. nothing can ever fill the hole a pet has left in our hearts, thank you for the joy you put into our lives.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @itsmorissette)

Source: Showbiz Chika