Anne Curtis marks 11th months of baby Dahlia: “we have an 11 month old bookworm”

Celebrity couple Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff marked another milestone as their daughter, baby Dahlia Amèlie turned 11 months old.

In her Instagram account, Anne shared an adorable photo of baby Dahlia. Anne has been active in sharing photos of baby Dahlia to mark her milestone. In the photo, baby Dahlia was seen holding a book as Anne shared that baby Dahlia loves to look and flip the pages all by herself. Anne also shared that they are raising a fund for “vulnerable babies and disadvantaged children”.


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Anne captioned her post:
“Annnd just like that we have an 11 month old bookworm 🐛
It truly makes us so happy that she is fond of books. She loves story time and looking and flipping the pages all by herself. Big girl na 😭

Time has definitely gone by so fast.. in a month, our little girl will be turning 1..
& to celebrate life of little ones, we’re raising funds to help UNICEF give vulnerable babies and disadvantaged children the childhood they deserve.. there’s nothing we want more than for ALL children to be given the best start at life. So, to our friends, family, fans and followers I hope you can join this meaningful fundraiser for Dahlia’s birthday and contribute to this cause. Would mean the world to us. 🌸
Whatever amount is raised we will match and donate to @unicefphils💙
The link is in my bio 🤍

Thank you so much! Sending out love and light! Anne, Erwan & Dahlia Amélie ✨”

(Photo source: Instagram – @annecurtissmith)


Source: Showbiz Chika