Andi Eigenmann opens up on how she deals with postpartum depression

Actress and vlogger Andi Eigenmann opened up to her fans and followers on how she deals with postpartum depression.

In her latest YouTube vlog, Andi showed to her fans and followers how their ‘newborn days’ with baby Koa went. Andi also recalled that she had a postpartum depression when baby Lilo was born. Andi shared “in my Instagram I mentioned that I had postpartum depression with Lilo and papa always told me that you know this stage, this phase will go by very quickly.”


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“And now, this time around I just really want to enjoy my time with my kids because you know it’s true what he said every day they are growing and we will never get this time back. So I’m choosing to look on the positive side of all of this and really just been enjoying the you know, the super sarap feeling of having a newborn.” Andi added.

(Photo source: Instagram – @andieigengirl)


Source: Showbiz Chika