Gerald Anderson books a chopper to fulfill basketball commitment

Actor Gerald Anderson has one trait that everyone should emulate – once he made a commitment he will sure fulfill it. Former UP Maroons player na si Mikee Reyes in his vlog told a story that shocked even Mikee himself. Gerald is supposed to have a basketball practice, but he was in Clark at that time and the practice was in San Juan.

According to Mikee, in normal situations basketball players will booked ‘Angkas’ to make it to practice. But not in the case of Gerald.

“This guy (Gerald) booked a mothere**ng chopper. Tayong mga basketball player, mag-ga-Grab. Hindi tayo mag-kokotse, hindi tayo magda-drive. Ang gagawin natin, Angkas. I have seen so many basketball players, big mothere**ng people riding Angkas kasi baka ma-late sila sa game nila or sa practice nila. I’ve done that. But I’m not that big, I’m not that tall,” said Mikee.

“So what happened was he went on that app … I think that’s Grab or whatever. Bast nag-ooffer ng chopper. And then I was just watching him book a mothere**ing chopper. What he did was saan mag-laland ang chopper? At hindi ito ‘yung San Juan Arena. Ito ‘yung old San Juan. So this guy calls his connections sa San Juan. And then he calls I don’t know if si Ejercito ‘yun basta he calls to allow him to land on the helipad dun sa San Juan.” added Mikee.

“Lowkey, I was looking at how much it was to book such a thing. And sinasabi ko that’s a year or two worth of Angkas,” Mikee said.

(Photo source: Instagram – @andersongeraldjr)

Source: Showbiz Chika