Frankie Pangilinan on the cover of Nylon magazine: “I truly detest being uncertain”

Singer model Frankie Pangilinan was chosen to be on the cover of the very first issue of Nylon Magazine Philippines. Frankie was in her radiant self as she shows the different facet of her personality.

In an article write-up by Nylon Manila, Frankie gave a glimpse of what is going through her creative mind.

“My typical response [when asked how things have been] has recently been that things could be better, but they could likewise be exponentially worse, for which I am, while tired, extremely grateful. I’ll admit that there’s this insane creative restlessness that lurks between the more shadowy parts of my brain, and I think it simply seeks to be relieved. It all seems to be stuck in some sort of purgatory, indefinite and uncertain. I truly detest being uncertain. I detest the middle.” said Frankie.

“When everything pertinent has to be done online, there’s little room to breathe. I think social media breathers were quite frequent for me already, it’s just that with an overwhelming amount of heartbreaking current events happening every single day, silences can be read into as well. I tend to disclaim prolonged absences now before I decide to sink into them, just so that people are assured that I’m not being apathetic. Apathy in such dark days is cruel. I don’t want to be cruel. I just likewise don’t want to suffocate. It’s essential to reset and reground oneself. Otherwise, we may go mad.” added Frankie.

“I’ve always been this honest, I just haven’t been quite as loud. Or perhaps I was going relatively unheard in the last few years, which is why the shift has been so sudden. People seem to pay attention now, which is terrifying. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop—I’d made a vow to myself to remain unfiltered for my own integrity. What’s the use of having a digital platform if you cant take full ownership of the content you post?” Frankie said.

(Photo source: Instagram – @frankiepangilinan)

Source: Showbiz Chika