Direk Erik Matti expresses disappointment over Disney’s Live remake of ‘Mulan’

Movie lovers all over the world are waiting for the Disney’s Live remake of the animation film “Mulan.” And finally, the movie is now available for everyone to see. It’s a story of a girl who took the place of her ailing father who was called to battle.

The animation version was a huge success, but Direk Erik Matti has something to say about the Live version:

“I’ve waited for a year to see #Mulan. I loved the trailer when it first came out. The animated version was a favorite. Watched the original one with my kids over and over again when they were growing up. I know every montage and plotpoint including alll the memorable songs. Now, I’ve finally seen the highly anticipated overhyped live action version. What a disappointment! It feels old and backward than the animated version. Boring, bland and by the numbers. They never got the soul of the original.

I guess this is what happens when you only want to cash in on a franchise. A movie made by numbers people second-guessing what China would love to see. Lion King live action didnt work as a musical. This Mulan didnt work without the songs. Mulan live action is neutered with all the humor charm excitement and flamboyance gutted out. But what do I know? I’m sure the suits were right about this. It’ll make tons of money in China. Even the action parts look tired and rehashed with lots of parts where the editing jumps here and there probably edited to death on the floor by too many showrunners and producers.

But I’ll rewatch the animated one again just to preserve the best memory of how I want to remember Mulan before it was ruined by this heavily diluted generic live action version.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @erikmatti)

Source: Showbiz Chika