Melai Cantiveros and Alex Gonzaga react to Maja Salvador’s sexy photos: “Maawa ka sa amin

Actress Maja Salvador posted her latest bikini photos that went viral. Netizens were in awe with how Maja has maintained her health and figure. Celebrities reacted to the photo and among them were Alex Gonzaga and Melai Cantiveros.

Alex and Melai posted on the comment section begging Maja not to post sexy photos in jest.

“Majjj maawa ka samin parang kabayo ng plantsa ang katawan…” sai Alex. Melai for her part posted the following: “Oo nga Ma maawa ka @iammajasalvador ako para nang galloon.”

Maja gamely replied to the two. To Alex, Maja replied: “huy grabe ka sa self mo. sira ka talaga haha.” And for Melai, “grab din syaaaaa oh! miss you mels.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @cathygonzaga / @iammajasalvador / @_magandangbuhay)

Source: Showbiz Chika